Monday, November 20, 2017

by:  JVK

Once upon a time, there was a girl who was tall, dark, and lanky
She struggled to be fit in, alas, she succeeded only barely
With low self esteem; appalled, she asked, "What's wrong with me?!"
She came, she smiled, she talked, yet nobody seemed to see.

A diamond in the rough, she thought of herself
Sadly nobody has noticed that she ever existed
Personality she vowed to develop, read every book in the shelf
Determined to change for the better, she endured and persisted

As years passed by, this lanky girl grew in wisdom
Now confident of herself, insecurities and shyness she has overcome
God's gifts she hones, kindness glows and compassion glistens
She comes, she smiles, and she talks, now everybody listens.


  1. A very inspiring story, Ms. JVK! :)

    "She struggled to be liked, to fit in..."

    I have somehow experienced that too, but as I grow up and got to know myself, I realized there was no need to fit in when you are actually born to stand out. There are too many "Ms. Invisibles" out there, sadly, they don't know yet that one day, whether they like it or not, they are going to shine.

    1. Thank you, Cyndy!

      "We are not yet finished!", I reminded myself each time. I smiled yet my heart was bleeding. Yes, I was not exempted from being bullied and I endured the blow. But as years went by, I realized my worth as a person. I have a big heart and God loves me. I think, that's all that matters.

      You continue to shine, girl! You have my respect and admiration! <3
